Run-time UDP messages

Technical details:

    • UDP port : 21571 (0x5443)

    • Broadcast is supported.

    • There are no responses.

Defined commands:

ltc!start Starts the TimeCode increments from start_* (see configuration)

ltc!stop Stops the TimeCode increments. The TimeCode is still outputting.

ltc!resume Continue the TimeCode increments from the 'stop' command.

ltc!start#hh:mm:ss.ff Sets the start TimeCode.

ltc!stop#hh:mm:ss.ff Sets the stop TimeCode.

ltc!rate#rr Sets the rate of the TimeCode. Valid values: 24, 25, 29 and 30.

ltc!start!hh:mm:ss.ff Set the running TimeCode.

ltc!start@hh:mm:ss.ff Set and jump to the start TimeCode, but stop the TimeCode incrementing/decrementing.

ltc!direction# Sets the direction. Valid values: forward and backward

ltc!pitch#ppp Sets the pitch. Valid values are -100 <= ppp <= 100 (integers).

ltc!forward#ii Skip the TimeCode in seconds. Valid values are 0 < ii <= 99 (integers).

ltc!backward#ii Skip the TimeCode in seconds. Valid values are 0 < ii <= 99 (integers).


echo 'ltc!start' > /dev/udp/

echo 'ltc!start#01:00:00.00' > /dev/udp/

Using the sample Java UI; with the "Section" button's the 'ltc!start!hh:mm:ss.ff' commands are send.